
哈尔 & 临床肝

哈尔肝 with children and La Vaga, the Ark's ringtail
哈尔肝 with children and La Vaga, the Ark's ringtail
'By combating fear and ignorance with the truth, presented in as entertaining a fashion as possible, 沙漠方舟动物, 通过他们的日常生活, strive to promote a basic respect for all living things including human beings.——哈尔·格拉斯
'If eight-year-olds could vote, 哈尔肝 would be a shoo-in for Mayor of Tucson.' —图森市的公民

哈尔·格拉斯是沙漠Museumï是诺亚. He was hired in 1953 to produce and host the museum�s weekly television show, 亚利桑那沙漠小径. But he is most famous for driving the Desert Museum�s collection of live animals to schools and organizations in a station wagon known as the Desert Ark. 沙漠方舟 animals were filled with personality. 哈尔 named them after celebrities of the time or by making a play on their natural traits. Many a Tucson schoolchild touched their first snake at 哈尔�s school presentations.

Some of 哈尔�s memorable animal friends included javelinas - Olivia de Javelina, 格里高利野猪类, 弗朗西斯•培根, 还有罗斯玛丽·库尼ï浣熊, 朱利叶斯·Squeezer——地鼠蛇, and Quilly Mays - an unusually mild mannered porcupine who starred in Desert Ark programs for all of the sixteen years of his life. Quilly was featured in more than 300 presentations including two appearances at the White House. 还有伍德罗·登特, 收藏狂, 谁帮助教授消防安全, and also wore a mortar board to support Gras� admonition to stay in school for a good education. And also famous was La Vaga, a beautiful ringtail. She became one of Gras� favorite animals to place on celebrities� and children�s heads � la Davy Crockett�s hat.

As 哈尔 described the Desert Ark, �The program is not natural history. 而, it is the use of animals to illustrate how to get along, 做一个更好的人, have respect for conservation rather than destruction, 克服恐惧和无知. These are the things the children learn from the Desert Ark�s wild creatures.�

Desert Ark programs and the 亚利桑那沙漠小径, which originated as a radio program and became a Desert Museum television program for the Tucson CBS affiliate, 都受到图森社区的好评. � 哈尔 was friendly, entertaining, dedicated, hardworking, and a showman. He captured children�s attention and admiration, and adults soon also found themselves drawn in and enjoying 哈尔�s presentation as much as the children.ï佩吉·拉尔森

哈尔肝 was born April 3, 1919, in Clifton, N.J. 二战期间在欧洲服役. He married Renata �Natie� Spilcker in 1941. 战后, 哈尔和纳蒂搬到了埃尔帕索, Texas and there he graduated from college with a degree in broadcasting. 哈尔 and Natie moved to Tucson in 1950 where he worked for KVOA radio and television until going to work for the Desert Museum.

临床肝 provided loving care for 沙漠方舟动物 living at their Tucson home which soon became known as the museum�s in-town nursery where Natie received, 提高了, and rehabilitated orphaned or injured animals from mountain lions and jaguars to ground squirrels, 蛇, 和蜂鸟. 这是一个有趣的家庭. Gras�女儿, 珍妮, told a newspaper reporter that when she was a small girl: �We had a mountain lion in a playpen in the living room. 我didn�不知道这个wasn�这很正常.� More than 200 animals a year were provided loving care in the nursery under Natie�s charge. A reporter once wrote that there were three zoos in Tucson: the Desert Museum, 里德公园动物园和Gras�后院.

By 1980, the Gras� estimated they had cared for more than 4000 needy animals in the nursery. With his retirement from the Desert Museum in 1985, 哈尔招待了我。,551沙漠步道节目,并提出了5,232个沙漠方舟项目.

As 比尔 卡尔 stated, �哈尔 remains certainly the most effective publicity generator for the Museum. Of all the personnel there, he has served the longest and the most faithfully. Rarely have an institution and a man become so closely identified, to each other's benefit and to the benefit of the natural history message.�

今天, the Desert Museum continues the 哈尔肝 tradition with a variety of live animal presentations including Live & (有点)逍遥自在. 沙漠方舟, under the direction of Desert Museum Education Specialists continues to visit schools and institutions.

来源: 鞋子里的鹅卵石, 亚利桑那-索诺拉网上买球十大正规平台:一本剪贴簿, ASDM口述史

The 亚利桑那-索诺拉网上买球十大正规平台 (ASDM) Oral 历史 Project is designed to chronicle the history of ASDM. The interviews and collected materials provide an opportunity to capture the memories of museum founders, 成员, 工作人员, and guests; and to share those memories with Tucson and the conservation community at large.
